Rising Strong: by Brene Brown Great Price

Rising Strong: by Brene Brown | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review

Rising Strong: by Brene Brown | Key Takeaways, Analysis & Review

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~~ The three R's to bouncing back after a fall ~~
Let's face it, we ALL have fallen down at some point in our lives and we will ALL do it again. It's called LIFE! However, how we handle those falls and get back up again is what makes the difference in us. In this Instaread summary on the book by Brene Brown, the author use many stories to convey her points. Many of these stories are about her and her family with a few others also included.

SO what are the three R's? Reckoning, Rumbles and Revolution

Who is Brene Brown? According to Instaread she is a "social work professor and psychology researcher" so the original book tells many stories of situations she has seen and experienced.

There are 8 Key Takeaways in this book. After listing a quick synopsis of each one, Instaread then delves into them more deeply over a couple pages each. Here are a couple to whet your appetite:
>>#1 Everyone falls. People need to learn to rise again in a way that transforms them into more wholehearted...
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