Funny Girl Top Price

Funny Girl

Funny Girl

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as in boring from the clunky prose to the unlikable characters who ...
Perhaps I was reading a different book based on the 4 and 5 star reviews but a lot of the irony it seems was lost on me, I have never read anything by NIck Hornby before but knowing that he wrote about a boy, was expecting something sharp and witty something in the penmanship style of David Nichols (One day) perhaps, as in a sharply observed comedy of life. Alas Hornby's style and execution has no such warmth if I could sum up I would have to say monotone, as in boring from the clunky prose to the unlikable characters who drifted in and out leaving little impact, there were moments but no where near enough to keep me invested. It was called funny girl, but where was the "funny" his effort to encapsulate the swinging sixties also missed the mark as captured little atmosphere unless you consider namedropping to be an adequate capturing of such iconic times.

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